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The Gospel of Luke | Humiliation at Home – Luke 4:14-30

March 12, 2023 | |

Pastor Steve Heron begins Part 2 of our series, Jesus: The Savior of the World, and preach from Luke 4:14-30.

After defeating Satan in one-on-one combat, Jesus enters into the synagogue of his hometown. We expect the town to welcome him with open arms, but Jesus preaches a message that’s too hard to hear. How can this man say that he is fulfilling scripture? How arrogant to say that Isaiah wrote about him? Their familiarity with Jesus, rather than humility toward Jesus, prevents his hometown from accepting his message and incites a riot. How does our own familiarity prevent us from hearing what God might be saying to us today?


  • Jesus begins his public ministry by teaching the Scriptures. What does this show us about how Jesus viewed the Scriptures? How does this inform our ministry today?
  • How is the gospel good news to people today? How has it specifically been good news to you?
  • What expectations do people have of Jesus today that make them skeptical about accepting him as the Messiah?
  • Why is God’s word often met with rejection? How can you accept God’s message humbly?

Click here to download the full study guide.

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