
Pastoral Residency



A two-year program to gain practical ministry experience while making space for formal seminary education as you prepare for a lifetime of ministry.

Who should apply?

Young men in the post-college phase of life who are aspiring to full-time vocational ministry and in need of training as their next step toward that goal.

Do residents receive financial compensation?

Yes. The church provides a portion towards the resident’s financial support raising goal and helps with the cost of seminary classes. They can raise up to a full-time salary.

What do residents do after completing the residency?

The aim is full-time vocational ministry. That may be an opportunity here at Citadel Square, another church, on the mission field, or in the classroom for more training.

Can I work a job outside the church during residency?

Yes, but it is not ideal. To maximize the residency, we recommend raising support so you can be fully engaged in ministry and your education.


Interested in the Pastoral Residency?

Fill out our interest form below and we'll follow up with your next step in the application process.


The Pastoral Residency has equipped me in ways that I hoped for coming in, yet has simultaneously far exceeded my expectations. It has been an environment where the “theory” I am learning in seminary has become “everyday reality” in the world of pastoral ministry. It has challenged me, grown me, and prepared me in ways that I’ll forever be grateful for. To be able to come in and learn from and labor alongside faithful men and women of God has been a blessing I’ll cherish for the remainder of my time in ministry.
– Ben Miller


Through the Pastoral Residency at Citadel Square, I am better equipped to love and serve God and the church. The time I have spent learning from and serving alongside the pastors and staff has been invaluable. As we have read books, studied the Bible, prayed, and discussed case studies, I have learned to apply scripture and doctrine to everyday life. I’m confident and thankful that the competency and character I have grown in through this program will carry with me through a lifetime of ministry.
– Jonathan Suggs


This residency program has been a true gift! God is proven faithful and has shown it in using this program, as it has developed us as residents, and most of all, brought glory to himself.
– Sam Perry