Citadel Square

Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date with what's happening in our church

Ladies’ Night

Women of all ages: join us from 7-8:30 pm in the Chapel for our next Ladies' Night!We will sing, share some dessert, and hear from Patty O'Bryan on James 1:1-11.We hope to see you there!

High School Round Tables

Once a month our high school students meeting during the 11am service for breakfast and for round table conversations about important topics and issues.

Young Adult Gathering

Come connect with other young adults, worship Jesus, and hear relevant Bible teaching!Doors open at 6 pm, Worship begins at 6:30 pmPark in the lot on Calhoun St. (Look for signage and greeters)

Membership Matters

Are you interested in learning more about our church and what it means to be a member? Join us for Membership Matters! This two-week class meets during the 9 am service on April 21 and 28 in Room 300. We will provide light refreshments, and kids (newborn through Middle School) can attend classes during the class.

Rooted: Student Worship Gathering

Our middle and high school students gather in the Student Room on Sunday evenings from 5-6:30 pm. At these gatherings, we have games, food, worship, and a message to help our students grow in their faith.